Published 2020-12-30
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Field studies on saline water use (6 dS/m) for carrot, lettuce and pepper production in smallholder's farms were conducted in the arid region of Medenine-Tunisia. The irrigation regimes were full (FI) and deficit (DI-80, DI-60, FI-DI60) irrigated with levels of 100, 80 and 60% of ETc when 40% of total available water in the root zone in the FI treatment was depleted, and farmer method (Farmers). Results show that the greatest values of soil salinity were observed under farmer and DI-60 treatments. Relatively low ECe values were also recorded under FI-DI60 and DI-80 treatments. The highest mean yields of carrot (26.8-28.7-29.5 t/ha), lettuce (42.6-45.8 t/ha) and pepper (22.3-24.4 t/ha) were recorded for the FI treatment who is not significantly different with the FI-DI60 and DI-80 treatments. Compared with FI100, significant reductions in carrot, lettuce and pepper yields were observed under the DI60 and farmers treatments resulting from a reduction in yield components. The farmer’s method increased soil salinity and resulted in an increase of water use of 43-57% for carrot, 26-29% for lettuce and 11.5-16% for pepper. Water productivity (WP) values reflected the differences in yields and varied between 3.4 (Farmers) and 9.7 kg/m3 (DI-80) for carrot, 7.5 and 19.1 kg/m3 for lettuce and 2.4 and 5.5 kg/m3 for pepper across different years and treatments. The soil water balance-based irrigation method (FI) generated the greatest net income compared to the Farmers treatment in carrot, lettuce and pepper productions under arid environment and the lowest soil salinization. FI scheduling technique is suggested for optimizing saline water use for vegetable crops. Under water scarcity, the adoption of the FI-DI60 and DI-80 strategies results in 4.5 to 20% water savings as compared to FI with small impact on salinity in the root zone and yield and net income reductions.