The The Guinea Savannah Highlands harbor numerous plant species of great socio-economic importance exploited by farmers in the wild. Vitex doniana Sweet is among these multifunctional tree species. Despite its importance in rural back yard, little scientific research is devoted to it. The main purpose of this work is to contribute to its domestication through root segments cuttings. The assessment of the effect of diameter of parent tree as well as the sampling distance of root segments cuttings (RSC) from them was undertaken in the nursery. The root system of 45 genotypes was partially excavated to a depth of 20 cm. RSC of 20 cm long were carefully cut and arranged vertically in a non-mist propagator, in black soil-sawdust substrate. The experimental design was a split-plot with three replications. The parent tree diameter was the main treatment while the sampling distance was the sub-treatment. The experimental unit was 10 cuttings. The results showed that the high rate of budding of RSC class (84.44 ± 14.69%) was obtained from trees of 5-10 cm diameter. The diameter class significantly influenced the budding rate (0.004 <0.01) contrary to the sampling distance (0.99>0.05). The diameter class of parent tree significantly influenced rooting (0.02 <0.05). For the interaction dbh*sampling distance of the donor tree, the rooting rate varied from 53.33±5.97 in RSC collected at 25 cm from parent tree of 10.1-20 cm dbh to 96.66±5.97 in those harvested at 100 cm from parent tree with 5-10cm dbh. These results demonstrated that V. doniana can be very easily propagated from root segments cuttings.